Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some tilt photography how to sites.

Does it online for you, here's an example

This is one of the better photoshop tutorials I found.

Tilt-shift, is it the wrong term?

Tilt is rotating the camera on a horizontal axis, so pointing the lens up or down.
Shift is when the lens moves in order to shift the image circle on the film or sensor.

"Many such images are described as employing "tilt-shift", but the term is something of a misnomer because shift is seldom involved and is usually unrelated to the effect produced. The term may derive from the tilt-shift lens normally required when the effect is produced optically."
-from wikipedia

a) Keeping the camera level, with an ordinary lens, captures only the bottom portion of the building.

(b) Tilting the camera upwards results in vertical perspective.
c) Shifting the lens upwards results in a picture of the entire subject.

View camera tilt-shift

Side View

Example of what a tilt-shift lens looks like for slrs

So the answer is, I think, yes, unless you're talking about the lens itself.
Here's a metaphor i thought of walking in the cold wind, "hood-scoop", as in the hood scoop on a car and a hood on your jacket that scoop cold air down your shirt.

Also this is sent from my phone, did it work?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some of the landscape of Marken, about a 25 minute bus ride from Amsterdam.

Ice breakers protecting some houses close to the shore.

This path leads all the way around the island, running on top of the dyke